Trademark renewal in Myanmar

19/01/2016 - 1725 views

Trademark renewal in Myanmar is registered by meaning of Declaration of Ownership. It is not mandatory, however, recommended to renew every 3 years, in 1 of the following options:

– By re-registration once every three years after first registration;

– By republication once every three years after first publication;

– By the way of both re-registration and re-publication (most trademark owners prefer this way: re-registration in order to update the record of their registered mark at the Registry Office and after that, republication of the cautionary notice of the re-registered mark is followed for public awareness in the market) aiming at preventing against the possible infringers and showing his constant interest upon the mark.

1. Required documents

Applications for renewal of Trademark Certificate(s) must be filed within 06 months, the following documents are required:

(i) A Power of Attorney, which should be executed by a legal representative of Applicant, then certified by a Notary Public, finally legalized at Myanmar Embassy or Consulate in country of the applicant, and if unavailable, legalized at Myanmar Embassy or Consulate another country is accepted;

(ii) A Declaration of Ownership, which should be executed by a legal representative of Applicant, then certified by a Notary Public (the same person, who signed on the Power of Attorney is recommended);

Each application of trademark renewal in Myanmar must be filed in one separate Declaration with the original registration document.

2. Cost for trademark renewal in Myanmar

The total cost including both official fees and all inclusive attorney’s and disbursements for the recordal of trademark renewal in Myanmar.

3. Time frame

It takes approximately 04 – 06 weeks from the filing date to complete the renewal.

Myanmar is currently revising its Intellectual Property system and drafting specific IP law, which is expected to be enacted within 2016. Despite the lack of any specific legislation, it is possible to protect your mark in Myanmar under the current Registration Act by recording a Declaration of Ownership of Trademark with the Office of the Registration of Deeds and publishing a Cautionary Notice of the registered mark in a local newspaper to inform the public of your ownership on the mark and warn against potential passing off or infringement.

In case you require more information or require advice on trademark renewal in Myanmar or Intellectual Property right in Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia as well as other IP matters, please do not hesitate to contact us via email: