Top 100 global Brands of 2016

09/02/2017 - 4836 views

Apple, Google and Coca-Cola topped the list of the world’s 100 most valuable brands in 2016, while technology and automotive brands dominated the overall rankings, according to a new report from brand consultancy Interbrand.

According to this report, total value of Top 100 global Brands of 2016 is 1,796,387 $m compared with 1,714,631 $m (+4.77%) in 2015. With a series of major events affecting the global politics and economics in 2016 such as Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union, the rise of ISIS, most of huge brands still maintain theirs position on the world economic map.



Top 10 Global Brands of 2016 are still mostly biggest brands in 2015 with total value of 752,114 $m compared with 716,147 $m (+5.02%). Apple, Google, Coca-Cola and Microsoft have been remaining unchanged at 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th positions in the past few years. IBM is still suffering notable decreasing situation in recent years from 65,095 $m in 2015 to 52,500 $m in 2016 (-19%). On the other hand, McDonald’s has been out TOP 10 and replaced by Mercedes-Benz.


Top dominant brands in 2016


Technology is the most dominant sector, with four brands in Top 10: Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Samsung. It also features some of the Top Growing Brands, with Facebook (+48%) as the Top Growing Brand in 2016, Adobe (21%), Huawei (18%), Samsung (14%), SAP (+13%) and Google (+11%).

Auto is also one of the most dominant sectors in 2016 with Toyota and Mercedes-Benz in the Top 10, and Nissan (+22%), Mercedes-Benz (+18%), Porsche (+18%), Audi (+14%), Ford (+12%), Kia (+12%), BMW (+12%), Land Rover (+11%) and Hyundai (+11%). Tesla appears for the first time as a 2016 New Entrant at the position of 100.

As usual in recent years, Apple Inc. is still at their favorite 1st position. In 2016, despite intense competition in global market, Apple overtook Samsung to become the world’s largest smartphone vendor in the fourth quarter of 2016 as shipments reached 439 million units. Inspired by the success of the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, Apple’s average 5 percent increase in shipments year-over-year helped it secure a 17.8 percent share of the global smartphone market, narrowly beating Samsung’s share of 17.7 percent, which was negatively impacted by the company’s Note7 battery incident.


This year saw an amazing growth of Facebook from 22,029 $m in 2015 to 32,593 $m. Its growth rate is supposed to be unstoppable even in 2017. In 2016, Facebook said it added more than 265 million new monthly active users, more than 1.8 billion monthly users and more than 1.2 billion daily users. With the explosive growth of the mobile platform in the past year, 2017 is supposed to be a more successful year of Facebook.


It is for sure that 2017 will be another challenging year for the world economy. World leaders will face a tough time keeping the global recovery on track in the context of wars, terrorism and other threats.  For the next 2017 with many challenges ahead, huge brands in the TOP 10 as well as the TOP 100 will have to try more to maintain theirs position in a more fluctuating economy.

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