Trademark renewal in Laos

19/01/2016 - 1876 views

A registration of trademark in Laos is valid for up to 10 years, counted from the filing date, for successive times. If the owner fails to renew in time, it will be removed from the Trademark Register. Therefore, a trademark renewal in Laos would be required to maintain its effect.



1. Requirements for trademark renewal in Laos

Applications for trademark renewal in Laos must be filed within 12 months before the expiry date(s) with the Department of Intellectual Property of Laos and the following documents are required:

i. A Bilingual Power of Attorney (POA) executed by a person in charge is required. In case the client is a legal entity (company or corporation) and own a corporation seal under their jurisdiction, the POA should be signed directly in wet ink by the legal representative of the Client then affixed the corporation’s seal. In case the corporation seal is not available, only the signatures are acceptable. No further notarization or legalization is required. The copy of POA is accepted at the time of filing. The original one should be submitted within 1 month later;

Under current practice in Laos, it is not expressly required the signature of legal representative person of applicant of the Laotian page in the POA. Please therefore let the Laotian page blank if under your jurisdiction, it is not available.

ii. Copy of concerning Certificate of trademark registration.


2. Cost for trademark renewal in Laos

The renewal fees can be paid during the 12-month period preceding the date of expiry and for a 6-month grace period after the date of expiry.

The total cost includes both official fees and all-inclusive attorney’s fees and disbursements for the recordal of trademark renewal in Laos.


3. Time frame

It takes approximately 10 – 12 months from the filing date to complete the trademark renewal in Laos.

More information about trademark practice in Laos can be found HERE.


In case you require more information or require advice on trademark renewal in Laos in Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia as well as other IP matters, please do not hesitate to contact us via email: