Searching Trademark in Laos

21/12/2020 - 1740 views

1. The purpose of searching trademark in Laos


There are multi-purposes of searching trademark in Laos. Among other things, conducting a full similarity trademark search not only estimates about possible chance of success in registration of a new trademark to avoid unnecessary registration fees but also helps to foresee and avoid possible infringement issues.


Such searches even give search requesters opportunities to detect identical or similar trademark applications/registrations in time to submit opposition/cancellation requests against these applications/registrations, where applicable.


Meanwhile, conducting a status trademark search helps to identify all current information of such application/registration. A proprietor name search helps to find out all trademark applications/registrations in details of such proprietor.


2. Types of searching trademark in Laos


Ageless provides with best price and services quality of trademark searches in Laos. Based on available data sources and practice in Laos, Ageless would like to offer some trademark search types as below:


2.1. Preliminary searching trademark in Laos


– Ageless’ preliminary searching trademark in Laos will be conducted based on the online trademark databases of the Department of Intellectual Property of Laos.
– This type of search will provide you with:

• Detailed information of prior identical trademark, if any;
• Our professional opinion on absolute grounds – inherence distinctiveness of searching trademark

– Time frame: A trademark search report will be available within 1 working day.
– Estimated cost: Free of charge


2.2. Full similarity searching trademark in Laos


– Ageless’ full searching trademark in Laos will be performed based on the latest trademark databases.

– The Search will be performed by our Trademark Attorney then be approved by Partner;

– The Search Report shows any identical/similar mark and includes full and detail professional opinion on the registrability-on both relative and absolute grounds, estimation chance of success for registration and use in percentage, solution to overcome possible objection(s).

– Time frame: The trademark search report is expected to be available within 5 working days.

– The cost for conducting this type of searching trademark in Laos will depend on:

• The number of trademarks
• The number of classes
• The types of mark


2.3. Checking status of the trademark in Laos


– Ageless’ status trademark search report will provide you with all current information in details of such trademark application/registration in Laos.
– Time frame: A status trademark search report is expected to be available within 2-3 working days.
– The cost for conducting this type of trademark search will depend on the number of trademark applications/registrations.


2.4. Proprietor name search


– Ageless’ proprietor name search report will provide you with all trademark applications/registrations in details of such proprietor.
– Time frame: A proprietor name search report is expected to be available within 2-3 working days.
– The cost for conducting this type of search will depend on the number of proprietors and number of found trademark in Laos.


3. Necessary information for searching trademark in Laos


For enabling us to conduct a trademark search in Laos and provide with more exact comments and analysis in our search report, kindly provide us with:


(i) The types of trademark searches;
(ii) The sample of the searching trademark in Laos;
(iii) The specific items of goods/services and their classification;
(iv) The name of the search requester, who may have already owned earlier identical/ similar trademark application or registration, if possible;
(v) The Latin transliteration & the meaning of the non-Latin characters (such as: Chinese, Korea, Thailand characters ….);
(vi) The trademark application/registration number, in case of checking a status trademark search in Laos.


Please be assured that all your provided information will be kept confidential, privileged and only for comments in the Search Report.


Should you need more information or further advice on searching trademark in Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at