
Certificate of Lawyer Training Course, Judicial Academy

Master of Laws, Vietnam National University

Bachelor of Art (Civil Law), Hanoi Law University


Prior to joining Ageless IP Attorneys & Consultants, Ms. Tuoi had a short period of time working as a IP consultant at Minervas Law Office. At Ageless IP Attorneys & Consultants, she is working as a Trademark Attorney and in charge of all IP matters in Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar as well as Department’s activities. With more than 10 years of experience, Ms. Tuoi is truly an expert of IP Practices in Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. In 2020, she was recognized as one of the notable IP practitioners in Myanmar by the prestigious WTR 1000. 





International Trademark Association (INTA)

ASEAN Intellectual Property Association (ASEAN IPA)

Vietnam Intellectual Property Association (VIPA)