Trademark application in Cambodia – Multi class are now accepted

05/07/2016 - 4152 views

Since June 5, 2015 Cambodia joined the Madrid Protocol for the International Registration of Marks. On September 28, 2015 a number of improvements to trademark application in Cambodia recently came into effect, making the system easier and faster for applicant. The most notably change is the country now adopted the multi class application system for trademarks. One application can now cover multi classes of products and/or services.


However, the applicant should also take note that if the trademark search is not done or there may be risks of citations, single class trademark application in Cambodia should be considered. The reasons are:

– If the trademark application in Cambodia is refused for one class, the time for approving the remaining classes may extend.
– Examination on multi class trademark application is more time-consuming in comparison with the single one.
– In case the trademark owner wishes to assign one class of goods/services, he must transfer the whole classes of the registered mark.

Unlike the other countries, the official fees are not reduced for each additional class designated in the same trademark application in Cambodia but remain the same as if the first one.

These changes represent significant improvements in the daily operations of the Department of Industrial Property Rights, cutting down on paperwork and making better use of limited resources through technology.

By this time, most of the ASEAN members now accept the multi-class trademark application, except Malaysia (expected at the end of 2016).

In case you require more information or require advice on filing trademark application in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and Myanmar, please do not hesitate to contact us via email:

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